May 06, 2021 Emma Ochia

Hello my loves and welcome back to another fireee episode on the I AM FIERCE podcast!
How are you all doing? I hope you are all well and owning your power if not download this podcast to get all my free audio experiences and coaching experts!

So, this episode is LIT! 
I have taken my time to speak on my own personal experiences with narcissism and abuse because to be honest life is a journey and I needed to do it in stages. But, now I feel so open and happy to discuss all things dating and relationships with the goal to inspire another sister to remember who the f*** she is and reclaim her personal power unapologetically!

I had the pleasure of interviewing the incredible soul sister that is, Megan Dorty @love.bombed_md 
Megan is an incredible narcissistic abuse recovery coach based in Los Angeles. I knew straight away when I found her on instagram that we were super aligned in more ways than one. I decided I was going to reach out and the rest is history. I won't leave too many spoilers here because listening to episode live is such a humbling and engaging experience I want you to enjoy :) 

We lift the lid on taboo subjects around surviving a narcissistic abusive relationship:

  • Sex
  • Trauma Suppression 
  • Survival
  • How to move on from this... 
  • Discovering your worth 
  • Understanding the signs

and so much more...

Links are in my bio @emmaochia_ to connect with me deeper by joing my Fierce Tribe women empowerment community!

Use code: TRIBE25 

As always if you loved this episode please leave a little review on Apple podcasts, it really makes a huge difference to the growth of our little community.

Love Emma xx