12// Reclaim Your Power

November 21, 2020 Emma Ochia Episode 12

I think a lot of us have experienced this lately through the current situation yes but, mostly through the unveiling of those around us who we deemed as ride or dies but, through the journey of finding your purpose and owning your power more significant people in our lives have revealed their true intentions or lack of care. I feel you on this one. I have went through a brutal shedding the past year. Mainly because I just couldn’t allow myself to be disempowered any longer! And neither should you sis


I can testify to the initial fucking pain behind standing in your power! because you and everyone else have always known you as the easy going, not wanting to cause a fuss, feels guilty saying no to people! Ringing true to anyone? YES I thought you’d get it.
I was a serial people pleaser. It was a fucking illness😂😩 Nah seriously I actually started to decline in health the last few years before I fully reclaimed my power. No one talks about the nitty gritty of what it actually takes to do this shit. So, I am giving you a no BS way to approach this and free YASELF from the chains of people pleasing and step into validating your damn self... you with me?




1️⃣Determine what it is you actually want out of life. And take action on it. STOP waiting around for someone to just hand you it or best yet fill that void for you. You gonna be waiting a long ass time sis.


2️⃣Avoid the blame game! Casting blame on anything external to you for your feelings is disempowering. Only you can actually control your thoughts and feelings. If someone hurts you that’s on them but, ITS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO HEAL AND GROW FROM IT.


3️⃣This one honestly saved me when I actually put my ego aside and could digest what this meant to my life.. identify the payoffs that have kept you stuck in debt, bad relationships, lack of purpose, zero confidence, still haven’t started that business venture... list goes on, by identifying them you naturally learn how to avoid them and create healthier lifestyle behaviours.


4️⃣Get to know your inner critic and ask them when did that feeling or belief start? Is it true?


5️⃣Avoid self blame it ain’t helping!

Please if you absolutely loved this episode or it resonated with you give it a little review it makes a huge difference to me. This takes alot to keep up which I love but, my goal is mass impact for women to realise their power and stand in it! Help me get the message out. Tag me in your stories and share the podcast sis :) 





See you in there sista 